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A hilarious TikTok of a puppy screaming into a pillow goes viral

TikTok users @clublivvy posted an incredibly sweet video about her last week Labrador retriever Livvy as a puppy screaming into a pillow. Boy, can we relate!

The ultra-viral comeback video has amassed over 5 million likes and 20 million views on TikTok in less than a week and shows little Livvy looking into the camera before burying her head behind a couch cushion and letting out a shrill, short scream. Livvy then comes out of hiding and looks at the camera again as if to say, “I’m fine. Nothing to see here.”

In the background you can hear people asking, “Did she do it?!” They are as surprised as we are to hear that little human-like scream coming from the puppy.

Although Livvy is no longer a screaming puppy, the adorable four-year-old Lab still makes her mom smile.

“She’s the best!” Lindsay, her mom, tells Daily Paws. “My favorite thing about Livvy is how much love she has to give, how well behaved she is and how much fun we have together.

Livvy as a puppy and as an adult.

Lindsay Callahan

Lindsay and Livvy enjoy many fun adventures together in and around their home state of Michigan, whether it’s hiking in the woods, playing Frisbee (Livvy can play fetch with two frisbees at once!), or sunbathing in the yard. But not all of the dog’s favorite adventures require being outdoors.

“He still likes to play on the couch,” says Lindsay.

While we may never know the reason behind Livva’s screams, we’ll be smiling at her antics for years to come. If your dog is not like vocals like little Livvy, they still have their own way of communicating. If you’re confused about what your pooch is trying to convey, learn more about it dog’s body language to help create a better relationship with your puppy.

If you’re really at a loss when it comes to understanding your dog, talk to your vet or dog behaviorist about any insights they may have.

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