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8 summer dog barbecues to share with your pup

It can be hard to resist when your dog lights up his doggy eyes every time you fire up the grill. And while some summer cooking foods aren’t the healthiest for our pets, there are plenty of foods you can share with your dog. Just make sure you feed all foods in moderation and talk to your vet if your dog has any health or nutritional issues.

Here are eight dog-safe barbecue foods that your pooch can enjoy.

Irina / Adobe Stock

Nothing says summer like a juicy red slice of watermelon. Not only is this dog-safe food delicious, but watermelon is also incredibly hydrating, thanks to the fact that it contains about 92% water. Just make sure to remove the skin or seeds before giving this fruit to your pup.

Robert Daly/Getty Images

If you’re making kebabs to grill (yum, can I come over?), feel free to set aside a few peppercorns for your dog. All colors of these delicious crunchy vegetables are safe for dogs and are a great source of fiber, which is great for fighting weight gain, and vitamin A, which helps maintain eye health.

Izergil / Shutterstock

Not all cheeses are good for dogs, but the two most common cheeses for a cheeseburger are: cheddar and Swiss. Just remember that cheese is high in fat, so it’s best to give your puppy small amounts of cheese versus multiple slices. But you always have to pay the cheese tax!

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Fewer things in life are better than barbecued hot dogs. Many types of hot dogs are generally safe for dogs as long as they don’t food allergy to one of the ingredients. Hot dogs are best served in moderation, cut into small pieces to prevent suffocationand it should always be cooked. Raw hot dogs aren’t very appealing anyway.

Scientific Photo Library / Robbie Goodall / Getty / Yeji Kim

One of the most famous side dishes of all time are green beans, and luckily, your dog doesn’t have to miss it. Unlike peppers, green beans are low in calories and high in fiber – they even have a little protein. Dogs can enjoy fresh, canned and cooked legumes as long as there is no added salt, spices, butter or oil.

infinityyyy / Getty

In moderation, corn is a great treat for dogs. Plus, its natural sugars give corn a sweeter taste than many other vegetables—wow, is that why they call it sweet corn? Just be sure to remove the corn from the cob before feeding it to your pet, as the cob is hard to digest and can cause intestinal blockage.

MirageC / GlobalP / Getty

Got an extra pork chop? Unseasoned, lean, cooked pork can be a special treat for your dog. While we don’t recommend handing over a whole pork chop, a few small pieces won’t hurt. As for the bacon, if you manage to trim the fat, a few bites will have your dog wagging his tail faster than you can say “barbecue.”

Tjaša Smrekar / EyeEm / Getty

We can’t forget about dessert! There are several recipes for frozen treats for dogs that are extremely tasty and loved help your puppy cool down during summer extra hot dog days. Just be sure to keep an eye on your dog if you decide to feed him an ice cream stick – that part should stay outside the belly!

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